Saturday 5 September 2009

Yes, Yes, Yes! (as they say in that stupid advert)

14st 13lb! First time I have been in the 14's for over 2 years. Fantastic! To celebrate I went on a good long walk with the dog as I plan to motor a bit now.

I was in a mood with partner this morning (something to do with being woken by amorous partner at 6.30am resulting in snarling bitch response, resulting in stroppy rejected partner - say no more). The resulting foul mood is very good for diet - he was in kitchen so I couldn't go in to get breakfast (I am too polite and would have had to speak) so I cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom, put away the ironing, then hoovered and dusted the sitting room - all at break neck speed and working up a little sweat! This is good. Not that I recommend fury towards partner to force cleaning and tidying house (I tried sustained mood until lunchtime but cracked at miserable face - we are now friends).

I had the very best of intentions. I had to make Chelsea buns to double check the recipe for the book, so I did. They came out of the oven looking so utterly delectable and even more so once I drizzled them in icing glaze. Anyway, I gently tore one from the delicious little nest and put it on a plate for Bruce's pudding. The remaining seven, I gave to a friend who was round for coffee as her house is always brimming with children (hers, often mine and many others!). So far, so good. Then, while I was on my walk, my brother rang to say that he, his family and my Dad were watching another brother playing cricket at Middleham. No indication of whether they would be calling so I thought I'd better whip up another batch. I tore off one for my daughter and there was this tempting little morsel hanging off the one to the side of it - I ate it. In tearing a little morsel a rather larger strip ripped and then, as fast as I could (as if speed eating is less fattening) I stuffed the rest of it. The only saving grace is that I didn't follow it up with the remaining six. To top it off, they went straight back to Lincolnshire and didn't call after all. I am most disgruntled with myself. When will I learn restraint?

Anyway, all in all, discounting naughty warm Chelsea bun, I have had a good day. I am going to have a very good week. Tonight I had to laugh as someone said that I had lost so much weight that if I lost any more, I would disappear - like that's ever going to happen!

Family barbeque tomorrow - I'm driving so can't repeat last year's excessive consumption of wine resulting in room spin (car spin?) on the way home!

E xx

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