Monday 7 September 2009

I'm in the zone

14st 13lb. I'm absolutely knackered - a busy day at work getting prepared for the start of the autumn lamb sales. Lots to do in the next week but I'm trying to pace myself so that I can make time for exercise - good walks and maybe even a game of tennis if Ben"relentless"Smith comes back. It is unfamiliar for me to make "me time" although I am beginning to see it's validity. I have always had a little guilty feeling that I am being selfish if I'm off doing stuff for myself, even if it is exercise.

Tonight I went blackberry picking. Big and juicy, bursting with flavour and wonderful aroma. Fingers bright purple from the juice (and scratched from the thorns!). I have mixed them with some apples from my Dad's orchard and am going to freeze it in batches for a delicious treat (just without the lashings of thick double cream!). I have had a good, healthy day's food - yoghurt and muesli for breakfast, my scotch broth style soup for lunch and then poached salmon with spinach and lemony cous cous. No naughties. I have even managed two glasses of water - halo shining!

Today I saw a friend who said I am looking well. She added that she feels useless at the moment as, however great her intentions, she just can't stick at a diet. I can genuinely sympathise as I have been there so many times and am bound to hit the wall again sometime soon. When I succeeded in losing weight four years ago and then started to put it back on, I would chastise myself on a daily basis for my lack of self discipline and my resolve was pathetic. I was so frustrated. However, when I successfully dieted last time and am feeling the same way now, nothing would have stopped me - I was what I now call "in the zone" - not permanently side tracked by extraneous matters (usually forbidden food!). Something has to light the fuse and I think you just need to start seeing a difference to feel inspired or motivated to continue. The problem comes when the loss seems so slow you think you might as well give up and eat what you want as all the effort isn't showing results. If you are not "in the zone" and doing it for yourself with no deadlines, it is unlikely you will succeed.

This blogging is keeping me in the zone and I am very grateful!

E xx

1 comment:

  1. Your blogging is keeping me "in the zone" so I am grateful to you. jen xx
