Thursday 24 September 2009

Moody cow!

Today I have been smiling politely through gritted teeth for what seems like most of the day. We got off to a bad start as no body had any knickers - in my defense, I have had no water since Monday and am behind with the washing. I despatched a cross 12 year old to school in a pair of tight aged 10 pants, mumbling moodily that "if you ever put them in the laundry basket instead of leaving them to decorate the bedroom floor....etc, etc...." and I am wearing the aforementioned so-called control pants which are grossly uncomfortable, constrict and ooze - safer than commando on a windy day though.

I was looking forward to today. I was planning on ironing until 10am (achieved), then tennis club (only I turned up as it was drizzling and obviously no one else so desperate for exercise that they will play tennis in the rain); finish proof reading book (achieved); send it off to publishers (achieved); ring insurers about mending stone chip in windscreen (achieved); long walk with dog (rather short really but I did jog part of it - very small part when sure no one was around - thought lungs were going to explode); 3 loads of washing to dry at laundrette (achieved); parents evening for eldest (achieved, although hardly satisfactorily) and finally nephew's first birthday party without eating anything forbidden (ACHIEVED!!).

I have eaten 2 Weetabix with hot skimmed milk (need for warm food usually spells need for nurture, therefore sensitive mood on the horizon); smoked mackerel, tomato and piece of toast for lunch; two fresh figs; a packet of revolting Weight Watchers cheesy puffs before party (I was really hungry and sensed danger); a bowl of Ready Break with hot skimmed milk and muesli stirred in for supper (by the time I got in, I was knackered, hungry and everyone else had eaten - it was just easy).

So, I achieved more or less all I set out to do and have eaten well for my diet (although not exactly nutritionally) - so why have I been a moody cow all day? I am tired (always!), cross because the bloody boiler is still not working (no hot water since Monday), the house is a tip (but it often is), I need a new windscreen as the stone chip is too old and in the line of vision and is going to cost £60 which I will have to scrape together from somewhere...and I guess I just woke up that way.

Must remember, right side of bed tomorrow. Day for the scales - feeling positive. There are enough clean knickers in this house to fit up the whole village - tomorrow will be a better day!

E xx

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