Saturday 19 September 2009

Put it all in perspective

14st 10lb. Good news and I am very happy - 12lbs off now which is great and I know I am going to carry on and live a healthier life. After the grapefruit got me off to such a flying start yesterday, I decided to carry on and have a meat free, veggie-packed day. For lunch I had a boiled egg and some yoghurt, then for supper a very little baked potato with ratatouille & red cabbage. I didn't get round to playing tennis but have managed a couple of sets today. Since the grapefruit was still in the fridge, I decided to let it work its magic today as well - I have enough for tomorrow and then time will tell as to whether or not I ever peel another one. If it continues to have such positive effect, I may be tempted to train my taste buds.

Two things happened today which made me reflective (and sorry, it's not even Serious Subject Sunday!). Firstly, I went in to work, not to do any as such, just to use the kitchen as it is so much bigger for preparation than my own (if ever I make my millions, I want a kitchen like my friend Bev's - the centre island, complete with Aga, is bigger than my whole kitchen). I needed some veg from the wholesale greengrocers on the industrial estate and when coming out I noticed that my old business unit has become Kudu Bikes more or less overnight (great young entrepreneurial couple run it - well worth a look for anything from kid's first bike to real, top of the range mountain bikes - not that I'm a regular except for the girls' birthdays! They started up in a little unit next door to mine at approximately the same time and have steadily expanded. I am really pleased for them but it did bring back some difficult memories of the time I went bust. Every day, you read in the papers about the number of businesses going into administration and my heart aches for them - the feeling of utter misery and dejection is so debilitating. Losing everything you have ever worked for is devastating but, on a more positive note, you must get over it and realise that, although life may be totally different, it is still life and can still be so fulfilling.

The other thing follows on from the above. Today is the "Grand Auction" for the "Running for Helen" campaign, raising money for Marie Curie and I was pleased to be asked to help with supplying some of the food and helping with the preparations. Helen is a 42 year old mother and an inspiration to us all. She has terminal cancer which she has been "fighting" for over 5 years now. She has survived well past her initial prognosis and continues, with her husband, Gary, to fund raise tirelessly and put cancer care into the public consciousness. Gary is running the New York Marathon in October with 16 colleagues and friends and they are hoping to raise £500K for Marie Curie. Cancer is a cruel, indiscriminate disease that affects us all, as I have mentioned before - when my lovely sister died of it at the age of 21, on the cusp of what I am certain would have been a full life, I promised not to get to 70 and look back with regret at things I had or had not done. Seeing Helen today, so full of enthusiasm for the coming event, made me wonder if I have been fulfilling my promise lately. I felt truly humbled.

We are so fortunate to have the opportunity and freedom to take control of something that is affecting our health. I hope that tonight's event is a sell out success and that Helen and Gary feel the pride and sense of fulfilment that they deserve. (

Serious Subject Sunday tomorrow!

E xx

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the scales have finally relented and started to give you the credit you are due. How about putting a series of pics up of you as you lose weight (not naked or anything, jesus)?
