Wednesday 9 September 2009

No need for details

14st 13lb. Suffice to say, measures to alleviate my little problem, worked. I am now a fan of occasional doses of syrup of figs!

I have been in a miserable mood today - one of those, where am I going with my life kind of days. My back and leg are not in good shape and I am fretting about how I am going to get through the 18 hour days that are the lamb sales. As I still have at least 15/20 years left of my working life (and with my lack of pension provisions, probably significantly longer than that), it is about time I addressed what I both want to do and am able to do with my skills and where I live. It is now over 2 years since my business went into administration and my circumstances changed out of all recognition, and perhaps the time has come to shake myself abit.

Anyway, another reason for being a bit down in the dumps, is that I am fed up of how slowly I am progressing with my weight loss. If I wasn't blogging, motivated and "in the zone" I would have lost hope and given up by now. I have thought about this alot today and have decided that half of the problem is the fact that I am weighing myself every day. This is not a good tactic and is just making the road seem a very long one. In reality of course, a 2lb per week is a healthy one but daily it just seems as if I am not moving down. So, I have decided that I will carry on blogging every day but, I will weigh myself on Fridays and Tuesdays and see how we go.

Well, you will be pleased to know that I have been shaken out of my malaise. Ben, who is no longer relentless and now just Smith, is back and took me down to play tennis. The positive endorphins have flooded into my body and I am on a high! I love this form of exercise and am going to concentrate on it, alongside my walking. Fifteen minutes of tennis has me red and sweating in a way that a good hour and a half walk doesn't achieve (I played for over an hour, but was sweating within 15 minutes!). I have even taken the plunge and enquired about the tennis club. It meets twice a week and I can go along tomorrow morning. Apparently there is mixed ability so I pray that isn't the difference between used-to-play-for-Yorkshire and used-to-play-at-Wimbledon. Hopefully there is someone who is not too bad but not too good either! I am pleased with myself for taking a positive step and facing possible embarrassment, rather than just whining or making excuses. The thing that surprises me most is that standing still or sitting down causes great discomfort in my lower back but, playing tennis doesn't affect it. Why is this? Any ideas?

So, see you tomorrow but not with a weight report!

E xx

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