Sunday 20 September 2009

Not feeling serious

Sorry folks, I know it's Serious Subject Sunday but I think I jumped the gun and did the serious subject on Saturday - two doses of my lectures in two days may just be too much to handle.

It has been a fantastic day up here in Wensleydale.

I remember in the early days of our relationship, when my partner was still trying to woo me, I was away on business for five days at a food show. It was March and had rained and even snowed the whole time I was away. On my last morning, I woke to glorious sunshine, as did he back home. I was sitting having breakfast when my phone pipped to tell me I had a message - it read, "Wall ter wall sunshine here - must be coz yer comin home!"

I fell in love on the spot.

Anyway, today was a similar day - not a cloud in the sky and that lovely crisp air that heralds the arrival of the Autumn. I went to church, put the washing on the line, cooked a roast chicken lunch (and a dark chocolate mousse for pud which I didn't even taste!) and then we decided to drive over to Swaledale and look for suitable views for the cover photo for my book. It is my favourite Dale - all sweeping, lonely, heather clad moors on top of a patchwork of dry stone walled pastures and nestling villages.

The love of the man is never in doubt but the romancing is questionable.

He started well, having taken me down a short cut which involved bouncing over very rough tracks (references to free Slendertone) and opening gates. As I opened the first, I had to lean over to uncatch the hook. "Bye, that's a fine sight!" he shouts out of the window. Not bad so far.

Next, he wants to show me a barn that's for sale, right up on a hill side, with no access, no water and no electricity. Stunning views and it does have a chimney as was once, a very long time ago, a house. It is tiny and a) I would feel like the old woman that lived in a shoe (where would I put the girls?) and b) by the time we could afford to do it up, even if planning permission was obtainable, I would look like the aforementioned old woman! I am fantasising about keeping hens, pigs, having a veggie patch, reading, writing....I'm already there. He interrupts my tranquil, happy thoughts and we have the following conversation (we are very deep and meaningful in our house!):
"It was built for you, this house".
"Why?" I respond.
"It's called Pear House - you're a classic pear."
"I'm not a pear!"
"You look like a pear to me - well, a pear with boobs."
"That makes me an hour glass, thank you very much!"
"Don't get me started on that again!" (ref. Day 7, End of week 1)

So, I'm a pear with boobs. Is this a compliment? He certainly seemed to think so. He is worrying that most of my weight is going from my ample bosom - in fact, I think he's worrying that it's going at all. He made the rash promise at the beginning of the year, when I was a very sturdy, safe 16st 2lb, that he would "marry me when he could carry me."
I'm sure he seems to be walking with a bit of a stoop and making increasingly frequent references to his bad back.......

He's the best.

E xx

PS Ref Advoco's comment - yes, up to date photos would be a good idea. Even the thought of having to pose in a leotard is enough to send me for the nearest cream cake - there is only so much public humiliation one woman can take!

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