Sunday 16 August 2009

Sunday. Rewards for being a good girl!

15st 7lb. Wow, a pound off! Reward for being good all day yesterday. I went to the barbeque (excellent fun evening) ate fab salads and meat and didn't eat a pudding - there were 4 on offer - Banoffe Pie, pavlova, profiteroles or Baileys cheesecake - I could have scoffed all four but I stayed firmly in my seat and had yet another glass of Pimms instead.

Yesterday was interesting. I felt fantastic. Positive, energised and happy. I even felt thinner! Three people said I looked well and I believed them (usually I take that as a polite way of saying I look overweight - you definitely have less wrinkles when your face is fatter). I put this new found enthusiasm down to doing something positive to change myself. Now, let's not get carried away. I have on numerous occasions succeeded in being enthusiastic about dieting for a few days (many, many more times fallen before lunch on day 1) but this time I feel that writing it down might help. The blog diet - so busy writing, you haven't got time to eat!

I also didn't take a fat pill and am hoping I can get by without them. Orlistat (or OilyCrap, as my dietitian friend so charmingly calls them) do not suppress your appetite, they just stop your body absorbing fat. So, if you are stupid enough to eat more than 5g of fat in a meal - a very tiny bit - then the fat turns to oil which even the tightest little buttocks could not contain - delightful thought! As I said before, I did take them when I had a big weight loss last time and they worked wonders - the thought of publicly losing control of myself was worse even than publicly declaring my weight. I never tested their effectiveness. However, you have to be in the right frame of mind or you can find ways to cheat, which is why they have not worked for me since (sugar, my Achilles heel, is not fat when eaten but efficiently turns to blubber around my rear end).

Anyway, breakfast of yoghurt, muesli and honey this morning then off to church with a spring in my step feeling holier than thou before I set foot in the building - god knows how sanctimonious I would have been if I'd forced down a grapefruit!
Sunday lunch of roast beef, no Yorkshire pud for me (not even tempted by the most perfect Yorkshires I have made in months!), loads of fresh veg and strawberries for pud (a little sugar, no cream).

Need to walk the dog but its August, feels like November and I am not feeling quite that perfect yet!

Happy dieting! E x

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