Saturday 29 August 2009

Day 15 Sometimes life is so unfair!

15st 2lb. I am thoroughly p**sed off! I hopped on the scales with the confidence of a well behaved dieting woman, expecting a 15st0lb at the very least. I have just spent 2 days in Leeds and been an angel!.
Diet diary for past 2 days (with no omissions - no emissions either actually so constipation could be the issue!).
Day 1.
6.30am Two Weetabix. Skimmed milk. 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. Cup of tea
10am On train. Coffee (not fattening Latte, just plain coffee with horrible little carton of so called milk)
1.45pm Eventually meet up with eldest daughter and boyfriend for lunch, by which time could have eaten small horse but settled for the baked potato with mixed bean topping and side salad (under 5% fat on the menu as healthy option). Drank water. Nicked minute bit of chocolate off daughters ice cream bombe.
6pm Cinema. Sucked 6 small jelly sweets - slowly.
8pm Spaghetti with garlic and tomato based seafood sauce. Glass of red wine.
Day 2.
9am buffet breakfast. fresh fruit salad with low fat yoghurt. 1 Weetabix with packet of Special K. 1 slice of wholemeal bread and honey. Cup of tea.
4.30pm Mediterranean salad with chicken. 2 chips. Large glass of red wine.
9pm Slice of toast with honey.
Could I have gone away for 2 days and eaten any better? I walked miles (perhaps should have jogged!) and watched my girls eat chips, sweet bagels, popcorn, BEN & JERRY's ICECREAM. I deserve to lose a stone on abstinence alone!
(the reason I ate so much breakfast, by the way, is that I told the girls to eat a big breakfast as we weren't going to eat until mid afternoon, before we got on the train home).
Anyway, feeling bloody irritated but back on the horse as they say.
So, back to 2 day trip to Leeds. Why is it that your children want you to be a cool Mum (although, God forbid that you say "cool" - I have no idea what the equivalent, acceptable description is) but that everything you do is an embarrassment to them? I have been faced with so many raised eyebrows and looks of distain, I can't count them. If they tried on a top and I said it looked "cool", it was off and back on the hanger quicker than I would have thought possible. Any dress I picked up thinking they would look cute (don't worry, even I wouldn't use that word to them) didn't even warrant a comment and their choices for themselves got a raised eyebrow from me (literally a raised eyebrow - I got disturbed when I had only finished plucking one eyebrow and forgot to go back and do the other - not that I am Dennis Healey you understand but I did have one more expressive side that's for sure!).
When I suggested that after supper we went back to the hotel for a facepack and nails evening with a film, it was greeted with enthusiasm "just as long as you don't try to turn it into something cheesey!" I have to say here, that my children are very affectionate, fun loving girls but, woe betide you if you so much as move a buttock to music - you are just sooooo embarassing! It's just a phase - my nearly 17 year old just bops along with me now.
Anyway, the other reason I should have lost a pound is that I had my hair cut. It was last cut in February and I promised I wouldn't have it cut again until I had lost a stone. I was turning into a sheepdog and ending up wearing a hairband that made me look like a part Sloane/part Tory party candidate, just so that I could see. Buying shoes and having my hair cut are about as attractive to me as having teeth pulled.
As I had officially made it to my stone as I was 16st 2lb at the beginning of the year, I decided the time had come to take the plunge - although it seems unfair that you have to lose 14lb to lose £45. Anyway, I couldn't go to my usual lovely Trish at Saks, so settled for one of those walk-in ones. They were very busy so I had to wait 10 minutes in the chair in front of the big, well lit mirror - one of those where the lights shine from above, shadowing the bags under your eyes even more than usual - with your hair scraped back off your face. To make matters worse, in my haste to rush out of the house on Thurs morning, I had forgotton to pack my make up bag AND I'd come out in a rash from the face mask the night before. Things were not looking good. I noticed another poor victim in much the same uncomfortable state as me. A very young, pretty girl (with long bleached hair that looked as if she would be in danger if she turned her back on a sheep) looked at me with pity and completely ignored everything I said. Firstly she said a relaxing head massage was part of the deal - I lay back and felt as if Edward Scissorhands was loose on my scalp - crikey, she had talons not nails and I'm sure I've got scratch marks as evidence - relax? I was petrified! She said that if she cut more than half an inch off my layers, it would stick out and be difficult to control - there's six months growth to go out for God's sake, and it didn't stick out before. So I ended up looking like a tidy version of the sheepdog that went in and am £32 worse off for the ordeal. Looks like I'm saving up for Trish!
All in all, Leeds was a great break and a chance to spend "quality time" with the girls - I'm knackered, broke and heavier!
Off to march off a pound along the river!
E xx

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