Thursday 20 August 2009

Day 6 Busy, busy day

15st 4lb. I should be a waif! I was up before 7 this morning to catch up with the ironing - it may sound sad but none of us had anything left to wear and I was sick of whinging children. I am a very efficient washer and hanger on the line, but not at getting any further. Since then I have dashed from one arrangement to another without time to even glance at the papers or sit down (until now!). It would be interesting to see how much ground I cover on such days - although I know from experience that simply being on your feet all day is not the same as healthy exercise. I also have to be careful when very busy as I am inclined to grab snacks (lots of them).

Food wise I am happy with myself. My Dad came up for the day and we had a chicken pie for lunch that I had made yesterday for a photo shoot for my cook book - it would have looked a little odd had I eaten something different so I did loads of veg and piled my plate with them so that my tiny bit of pie didn't stand out. I made an apricot brioche pudding for them and just didn't eat any - no one seemed to notice or at least, didn't pass comment. Tea was on the run as I was on my way out to a meeting so I grilled some bacon for a sandwich.

I have issues with my Dad and my weight. He definitely doesn't like me being fat and finds it difficult not to comment - which leads to self esteem problems when I am in his company (it does not help that my two step sisters are both very pretty and slim). Today, however, he didn't mention my weight - just said that the cat was too fat! He is no twinkle toes himself I might add, with a natural penchant for puddings and cream!

I have decided to try to cut down bread. I love it and it is so convenient. However, I fall back on it too easily for a quick fix meal. Maybe smelling bread coming out of the oven yet not eating it, would have the same effect as the gazing at a cake method of weight loss that I mentioned yesterday. If I further punished myself by eating a grapefruit whilst sniffing the bread, I should lose loads!

As soon as life calms down a bit, I am going to get more organised and look at a few diet regimes etc. Tomorrow is the end of my first week. First time in a long time I've managed anything like a week. Good girl.

E xx

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