Monday 12 October 2009

On top of the world!

No weigh in until tomorrow but I am hopeful, even though it is the wrong TOTM. I am totally "in the zone" now and dieting at the moment is no effort. Today I woke and had muesli with natural yoghurt, a large bowl of ratatouille for lunch and a baked chicken breast with roasted tomatoes out of the garden and roasted butternut squash, followed by an orange. I am not drinking more than two cups of tea a day. I still haven't remembered to drink ordinary water.
My tiny naughty was picking the bits of boiled over apple from the edge of the apple crumble dish - it is just so sticky, sweet and tempting! I did draw the line at eating a portion of the actual apple crumble.

I went to work which was busy but uneventful. When I got home, I had half an hour before the girls got home from school, so I left a note and took Lucy up to the woods for a walk. It has been a beautiful clear autumn day, with crisp leaves crunching underfoot. It makes you happy to be alive and was a total contrast to my walk last week.

I am concentrating my efforts on not eating much bread or using milk so, although I am no longer detoxing, I am still in fairly strict diet mode. I feel fitter, certainly slimmer and generally healthier. I hope it continues! If I was starting my diet now, I would make sure I took the alarming measurements from all my gross bits so that I could monitor actual reduction - I think I would be making good progress, especially from my waist. The friends with whom we were out on Saturday night sent the photo on the left through - I don't look gross which is something for me to admit!

E xx

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