Sunday 25 October 2009

Learning to love the aubergine!

14st 7lb. I sat in church this morning and decided (I did concentrate on the sermon, I promise!) that I will get another stone off before Christmas. This will take some focus and effort, both of which I am happy to give. I am so excited about my "Me November" - a month of concentration on me, my diet and my health. This is becoming essential as I am truly knackered and my leg is not in a good state. Taking 12 antibiotics a day is taking its toll and doesn't seem to be making progres on the leg! Never mind. Four more big days at work (we do go out with a bang - Weds & Thurs are HUGE) and by Friday, the main season with be over. Phew! The girls and I can have me back.

I am tackling demons. As you have probably gathered, there are very few foods that I don't like. Aubergines are one of them but I feel I should. Yesterday, I intentionally bought one. It is sitting on the side in the kitchen waiting for me to lavish it with the love it demands. They really are the most beautiful vegetable (fruit) - glossy, richly coloured, with that lovely little green cap like Peaseblossom's in A Midsummer Night's Dream. I have looked up recipes online but have concluded that I will make some really herby ratatouille, stuff it into the aubergine and bake it in the oven. I am determined that I will like it - we shall see! I'll let you know tomorrow.

Planning ahead, I am going to have a good week even though it is a busy one. I have made some carrot and coriander soup and am going to keep off the bread. Lots of lemon water. No naughties!

E xx


  1. The Spanish have "a way" with aubergines [berengenas]and I now use them a lot. Even your uncle likes them now. I usually just use them diced as part of the selection of veg in roasted oven veg. The Spanish usually stuff them with finely minced meat and veg, bake them with a thin cheese topping. Mum and I used to buy them at the take=away stall in Valencia market - very yummy. I think your blog is read by more people than you realse - I know of 4 that you dont know about. Dont forget your November starts on Saturday****

  2. If I can now eat raw toms you can eat aubergine
