Monday 5 October 2009

Encouraging day!

No weigh in - tomorrow, but not holding any hope of a good one.

Had the most manically busy day at work today - I was expecting to be fairly busy but, wow, everyone wanted to eat with us! We got to the end feeling something like you must feel after an unexpected tornado. I decided to have some breakfast (2 Weetabix) before I left in the hope that I wouldn't be hungry and pick. It worked. I had a slice of roast pork on a side plate with a few mushy peas for lunch (at 3:30) and a chicken enchillada for supper.

Tonight I went to the cinema with a group of friends to see "Julie & Julia". It was lovely and has really encouraged me to carry on writing - not because I'm expecting a big book/film deal, but simply because someone may be reading who is enjoying what I am writing. I love the bit when she asks readers to comment so that she can know if anyone is out there - I know exactly how she felt! Anyway, it was a lovely film and an enjoyable evening.

As women do when en masse, we discussed life etc. One of them was discussing how all of her children seemed to gravitate to the bathroom whilst she was having a bath before coming out - why is that? Mine always decide that the moment I lower myself into a hot bath for a bit of peace and relaxation, is the exact moment they need to use the loo or have something that has to be discussed now. It turned out that the daughter was trying to sort out a Carol Vorderman programme for the Nintendo - some "diet and fitness" type thing. She was hoping for a major transformation by now but unfortunately hasn't so far got it to work. Time will tell.

Anyway, it got me thinking about my diet and lack of progress at the moment. The main problem isn't motivation, it's lack of time to think, plan, buy or cook. The mention of Carol Vorderman reminded me of her detox diet. I did a fortnight on it once years ago and felt good on it and lost weight. It came to me that, whilst I am really busy, (which is another 3/4 weeks) I should follow a set diet. That way the thinking is done for me. So, on Wednesday, I am going to sort one out to get me through this sticky period in dieting (I'm working tomorrow). I feel empowered for the first time in days and am feeling motivated again. I want to feel the energy and enthusiasm that I felt in those first couple of weeks.

I'll be fine tomorrow now. Happy again!

E xx

PS Yes, all those friends with me at the cinema, I will admit to eating some Liquorice Allsorts, more than a couple of Thorntons chocolate coated toffees and quite a number of Maltesers. Sorry folks, I'm only human and it was the cinema - at least I didn't buy Butterkist Popcorn!

1 comment:

  1. tut tut liz at the cinema lunch, maybe it felt ok because you was in the dark and you felt a sense of nobody can see you?

    Past all the jokes, i really do hope it works out for you in the end, and although i havent said it before you can see a big difference in your size :) just stay off the rubbish and you l do fine.

    Love Benjamin Relenless Tennis Coach Smith
