14st2lbs. Work is now over until after Christmas and I am looking forward to a couple of days of getting organised, baking with carols in the background, picking greenery down the beck (our own beck so we are allowed) and finishing decorating the house. I have a couple of little pressies to buy but nothing major so I will battle up to Hawes if the snow permits in the morning. I was hoping to entertain some of the lovely oldies from the Day Centre at the Christmas Tree Festival but I have a feeling the snow is going to stop them being able to come. I want to drag my reluctant children round to see some housebound elderly people, but they don't appear to be feeling very generous with their time. Middle daughter in particular is very good with mature people, with a sweet smile and an easy conversation. I live in hope and think they will change their minds. I saw an alarming statistic today about the amount of elderly people who are on their own at Christmas - it must be horribly lonely for them so if all my readers try to find 10 minutes to pop in on a housebound neighbour, we will have cheered the day of at least half a dozen.
I have had a really good week - personally but certainly not on the diet front. I have been conscious of trying to behave but failing miserably. It is amazing how it affects your psyche - I have been feeling like a beached whale for the past few days, imagining that my clothes are going to be tight/I look fat/I feel unattractive, etc, so this morning I made myself get on the scales expecting to be around 14st 6lb - imagine my surprise at 14st 2lb. I moved the scales three times just to check it wasn't a sad joke. I immediately felt slimmer/full of beans/happier! Oh shallow woman.
I have posted in mince pies like letters in a postbox. However, I have been busy (what's new?). Bruce mashed his finger under a breeze block and so I (very generously I thought) got up with him to feed the stock etc on the farm and fodder up the sheep on the fell. It was so worth it when we got the most amazing sunrise - bright red flashes across the sky casting a stunning pink hue over the fells. You just stand in the field, thigh deep in snow, awe-struck at the magnificence of the view. The photo above does not do justice but gives you a flavour. Talking of snow, there is no better exercise - it's a total body work out and my legs are exhausted! On the aforementioned morning, we were walking back to the landrover when I literally fell into a drift. Bruce asked me why on earth I had gone the way I had and I said that I was following the tracks of the sheep, assuming that they would take the shallowest route. He fell about laughing pointing out that I was following the tracks of a small, light rabbit!
I have had a really good week - personally but certainly not on the diet front. I have been conscious of trying to behave but failing miserably. It is amazing how it affects your psyche - I have been feeling like a beached whale for the past few days, imagining that my clothes are going to be tight/I look fat/I feel unattractive, etc, so this morning I made myself get on the scales expecting to be around 14st 6lb - imagine my surprise at 14st 2lb. I moved the scales three times just to check it wasn't a sad joke. I immediately felt slimmer/full of beans/happier! Oh shallow woman.
I have posted in mince pies like letters in a postbox. However, I have been busy (what's new?). Bruce mashed his finger under a breeze block and so I (very generously I thought) got up with him to feed the stock etc on the farm and fodder up the sheep on the fell. It was so worth it when we got the most amazing sunrise - bright red flashes across the sky casting a stunning pink hue over the fells. You just stand in the field, thigh deep in snow, awe-struck at the magnificence of the view. The photo above does not do justice but gives you a flavour. Talking of snow, there is no better exercise - it's a total body work out and my legs are exhausted! On the aforementioned morning, we were walking back to the landrover when I literally fell into a drift. Bruce asked me why on earth I had gone the way I had and I said that I was following the tracks of the sheep, assuming that they would take the shallowest route. He fell about laughing pointing out that I was following the tracks of a small, light rabbit!
So, the snow has been amazing (and still is as it adds more each day). The downside is that I missed taking the girls to Dad's for the weekend and therefore missed their Christmas lunch on Sunday. Unfortunately, though I don't think Dad believes me, the snow was just too thick to safely drive in.
Bruce has come in from the pub, armed with a snowball (I am in bed, laptop on knees, with the electric blanket) - this is not looking good.
I will return tomorrow.
E xx
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