Wednesday, 9 December 2009

It's a good job I'm too old for babies!

I've had a lovely day today. Treated myself to a bath this morning after the girls had left for school. Then cleared out some kitchen cupboards as my "housework for the day".

It was a beautiful day so I set out up the Gill with an excitable Lucy. I wish I had had my camera as every time I go up there on a sunny morning I am struck (not literally!) by a delicate silver birch tree, standing like a gilded flagpole awaiting it's flag in the midst of the mighty oaks and beech trees. It really is a sight to behold and so shiny it looks as though it has been polished. I love that wood. I will remember the camera. I am certainly getting fitter - I am still puffing and rosy by the time I get to the top but less so than before - and I'm getting faster.

I wrote some Christmas cards (well 2 actually but they did have letters) and then went to see my friend with her new baby. He's soooooo cute. He just lay in my lap, fast asleep, while I chatted to his beautiful Mum. His skin is peachy and he has a lovely little round head and chubby cheeks. I want one. No, kidding really - we've no room and I'm too old. (but far too young to be a granny in case you're reading this lovely 18 year old daughter)

Last night after writing my missive, I went on to the website about the "Too Big to Walk" programme I had been talking about. It has some useful information, one of which is a BMI calculator. Mine is a shocking 31 (but it was 35.5 so that's good) so I am, as I already know, very overweight. I don't go into simply overweight until I'm 13st 8lb and remain there until I'm 11stone 5lb - that's almost 3 more stone to take me to the very maximum of normal! Crikey. However, it's back to my old twitter about having a responsibility to live more healthily. Stop whining and get on with it.

A friend wrote today saying that, just because the weather is lousy outside doesn't mean you can't do any exercise. She has a point particularly as I am definitely inclined to think that, if I can't walk, I can't do exercise that day. Dancing is great but you feel a prat even if you are on your own. Running up and down the stairs is another - but I'm done in after 2 runs! The tennis club is supposed to be starting indoor tennis for the winter but it hasn't materialised yet. Any suggestions for good indoor exercises? To be honest, even if it's raining, you still feel better for getting outside - you can always change your trousers! Good forecast for the next couple of days so no excuses - the cold is coming, as is Christmas - goody, goody! I'm getting in the mood. Kirsty's Homemade Christmas has made me want to get out the ribbons, sewing box and scraps and make something wonderful (I don't have the ability!) but, as I have my advent window to make yet, I think that should be my priority - the village is shaping up beautifully so I'd better not let the side down.

Still happy!

E xx


  1. I agree that if the weather is lousy it does rather muck up your healthy exercise routines. Luckily we now have a family membership of a gym/pool complex and I play football which is fine in almost any weather. And besides I think your definition of bad weather and mine are probably somewhat different (he said smugly).

  2. It must be difficult to get exercise done in the winter. After all that rugging up agaainst the cold, you will be too tired to step out. And must be difficult walking with all the layers of clothing. Try the Fit ball - I have one. I do 30 mins with the ball with my Latin American music on. Good fun bouncing to the Cha-cha!!
