Monday, 2 November 2009

Day 2 Me Month

No weight today.

So, not exactly off to a flying start but a fairly positive one. The diet has gone well today - a grapefruit for breakfast; a leftover lamb sandwich for lunch (fat cut off); a small baked potato with ham and a mug of my soup for supper - and half a pomegranite. I intended having the soup for lunch but I was late from work and in a hurry to go to a meeting so didn't have time. I had planned to raid the greengrocers for lots of inviting, sumptuous fruit and vegetables, but my wages didn't go into the bank in time so I only had £10 - so I made a Shepherd's Pie with veg for the family instead of the intended chicken fajitas. I also couldn't afford some luscious vine tomatoes or basil for tomorrow's soup, so it's more of the same - which is delicious and not a hardship. There's always tomorrow.

I got back from my meeting in time to go up the gill for a walk with Lucy. Wow, have we had some wind and rain in the past few days - proper autumnal gales. The resulting effect is a carpet of every coloured leaf in the autumn spectrum from pale yellow through to dark brown, still perfect and fresh before turning mushy underfoot. The malevolent, slate grey sky threatened rain for the whole walk but, even the lack of sunshine couldn't detract from the stunning beauty of the trees - the few remaining leaves on the trees dancing in the wind like jewels. I sat up at the waterfall, in full spate (the waterfall, not me), and tried my "new age, commune with nature, leave it to the fairies" meditation - I can't do it. It makes me laugh (at myself). I just settled for enjoying the peace (if sitting on a damp rock in the rain with a roaring waterfall can be called peace!).

Anyway, I've had a good day all in all, if not a particularly quiet one. For the last 4 hours it has been nothing but, "Mum, have you seen my...", "Mum, I need to get my ingredients ready for cookery", "What have you got in for my packed lunch tomorrow?" - none stop whittering. Early night planned (with a new book!).

E xx

1 comment:

  1. Funnily enough I am well into grapefruit myself at the moment. They are very tasty but a bit of a pain to prepare (can pith you off).
    Good luck with Me month - getting into the 13s sounds ambitious but there's nothing wrong with a stretch target.
