Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Better day

By 8 o'clock this morning I had the house all to myself. His nibs and Lucy off shooting and the girls off to school. So, leisurely half hour over breakfast (2 Weetabix), then got dressed and thoroughly cleaned the bathroom before flexing the fingers and settling down to write.

I tackled the last chapter for the book which I have been avoiding like the plague - only because it is less familiar than recipes and therefore, required more concentration. Anyway, by lunchtime I had completed the task to a satisfactory level and the sense of relief was great. I had a bowl of spaghetti hoops over the papers and then thoroughly hoovered the stairs and landing, a job which I am sure I have mentioned, I absolutely hate! I got rid of every cobweb and little spider thinking of hatching one. Good job done.

I had liver and onions with oven baked tomatoes for supper followed by melon. Every time I considered exercise I listened to the battering wind and rain splattering on the windows and thought better of it - perhaps it would have been different if Lucy had been making eyes at me.

Tomorrow I will write properly about a couple of subjects that have come up in the papers recently. Then I have the long drive to Cornwall - with a tank full of diesel and a prepacked supper - no naughties!

Thanks for all your lovely comments. It's encouraging to know you are still there!


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