Wednesday, 20 January 2010

100th blog

This is my 100th time of writing - wow! And so little weight loss!!! It makes me smile at my incredible inadequacy. However, I'm really positive about the potential for success with my new job. I am still part time which is frustrating as I want to get my teeth into the job (rather than the chip fryer contents) - my healthy breakfast/soup lunch/restrained supper is really working well and I am sure I will see results as soon as it is permanent.

I have a stinking cold and, if I were a nice mummy, would be feeling really guilty. You see, eldest daughter, Emily, has had one for about 3 weeks now and the only acknowledgement I have made of this fact, is to ask her not to snivvel and sneeze near me. Two days into this cold, I am a pathetic, woe is me, miserable bag of snivvel. However, on the plus side, it is significantly better than it was yesterday.

Anyway, I have the right shape for being healthy as I have a fat arse and big legs - apparently this protects against heart disease and is a healthy shape to be. It doesn't seem to take into account the joints and how much they struggle to support the excess podge.

Another little nugget of information gleaned this week suggests that we are getting fat due to setting the central heating too high in the cold weather. Now this does make sense. Apparently we get too comfortable and lazy settled on the sofa watching the tv instead of moving round to keep warm and burn off energy. This is certainly true of me in the past few weeks - I love the snow to look at but am none too keen to set off out in it. I will definitely struggle to exercise until the nights draw out as it is dark at both ends of the day.

Tomorrow I am going to have my hair cut - I can stand it no more and have decided to try my adorable niece's skills. I will let you know how I get on tomorrow. A new me. Again.

E xx
PS I hope it doesn't take another 100 posts to lose the next couple of stones!

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