Wednesday, 27 January 2010

stress and diets don't mix

Well, it was my first day as a full timer and it felt rather strange, but nicely so, to think that I am now a "normal" person for the first time in years - going off to work to the same place every morning, working for someone else and, most importantly, I will be earning a wage on a regular basis. I am really excited about this new chapter.

Anyway, I got off to a great start and had a stimulating, interesting and informative day. On the diet front (which I am sure is going to be good) I had porridge (the usual - made with water, mixed seeds and brown sugar added at the end but today I sweetened with 2 chopped up dates instead) for breakfast, a really unpleasant Weight Watchers pasta bake for lunch (rushing out of house without having made soup) and there was a chicken ready in the "on timer" oven when I got in from work. The children had peeled veg and got them started so, within 1/2 hour of walking in the door, we were all around the table with a roast dinner and a happy, chatty mood. I had a pear for pudding. All going well.

Then came a challenging telephone conversation, the details of which are irrelevant but, suffice to say, I came off the phone feeling a level of stress and frustration that has been unfamiliar of late. I immediately felt the urge to eat sugar - if there had been a box of chocs left from Christmas, I would have devoured them at one sitting. As it was, I had a slice of toast with a thin slither of butter and a sprinkle of sugar. WHAT!!! I know. What is it about misery/stress/anger that makes me reach for sweetness? There must be a reason. Not just psychological. It's physical need. Is it chemical? Why don't I feel the urge to punch something instead (a legitimate punchbag, not a partner or the dog!). I don't know but my conclusion is that one slice of toast isn't the end of the world, just avoid stressful phone calls in future!

So, tidy clothes and a positive smile again tomorrow! I love my job!!!

E xx
PS Well aware that there is a little batch of numbers missing from the top left hand corner of this blog - will dust down the scales soon but I know by my waist band, that it's not good enough to face the scales yet

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

last day as a cook

So, my time as the cook at the Auction Mart is over. I feel quite sad as I have really enjoyed it and will miss many aspects of it. As Sally, a commenter on this blog, said yesterday - "you can't take the caterer out of the girl"- I would agree. I am born to nurture and feed. I have said on many occasions, I love to gather people together and stuff them full of gorgeous, comforting food. However, I do think I am going to enjoy cooking again and hopefully, have a mess with a few recipes and styles. When I have had a day cooking at work, I don't feel like turning to and producing something beautiful for the family supper. I am hoping this is going to change - at least at weekends, if I have time between washing, ironing, cleaning etc - how do people work fulltime and run a house and family? Fun times ahead!

I am so tired my eyes are struggling to stay open. I was going to debate diet pills and their damage but I can't stay awake long enough. Suffice to say, we need a healthy balanced diet without the addition of chemicals, additives and other such unnatural things - keep off them and try harder.

The Davina DVD was great - I managed 11 minutes before collapsing in a chair exhausted - and 7 minutes of that time was the warm up!!! Improvements to fitness are urgently needed. My body is sad (my dog is sad as well and not understanding this lack of walking boots and coat - much neglected pup).

See you tomorrow.
E xx

Sunday, 24 January 2010

A guilty pleasure

I contemplated today whether there can be such a thing as a guilty pleasure. A sneaky glass of Baileys/handful of chocolates/bowl of cereal, etc. I don't think it can be a pleasure if it's guilty. You don't enjoy it. I really do have a problem with eating - it is very rarely a good experience as I know that I shouldn't be eating the food I'm eating. I am without discipline and self control. I keep thinking that I will be fine once I get to my new job full time (I only have this week to go at the Auction) but it shouldn't take that kind of change to spur me on my way.

The scales are in the cupboard getting dusty. I can't face them as I know it's bad news. However, today I went to the Metro Centre with a group of 13 year olds for my daughter's birthday and, you won't believe this but, I bought an exercise DVD!!!! I stood infront of the shelf in W H Smiths contemplating which of the unfeasible looking routines would suit me - my daughters thought that a Ministry of Sound dance based one would be good but I am 44 and must be realistic. I thought about Hannah Waterman's top seller but, to be honest, although obviously she looks slim, there is something a little spooky about how she looks - it's the long thin neck. I also thought the girls might think it was a bit uncool. So, we have Davina. I am a little concerned that the sitting room is not large, I am and I like my china. Must not get carried away! Tomorrow I will get started and also plan a walk for the last time during working hours due to the fact that I start full time next week.

Last night I went out for dinner with my colleagues from work as my leaving do. It was such a good evening and I loved every minute. Although I am glad to be leaving catering, I am going to really miss the girls I work with - they have all been such a support to me, as well as being fun, full of gossip and good friends. I will miss them. The girls were all out when I got back from work so I treated myself to a long hot bath and actually took time to style my newly cut hair. Then I popped my head round Emily's bedroom door to see if she had some lens solution and spotted her makeup on the bed (very rare - its usually in her bag). It was a reverse of the little girl playing with Mummy's makeup - it was such fun to experiment with all her gorgeous glittery bright colours. I probably looked like a clown but I felt great and actually went out with a degree of confidence. The meal started well with the meal with a sea bass starter but then I had a wild mushroom, spinach and pinenut pasta dish - divine flavours. Very rich. Won't even think of the calories. At least I didn't have a pudding. It was all washed down with too much red wine and countless Baileys. My ample bosom was the focus of attention - it would appear that my colleagues (both male and female) only see me in an apron and seemed surprised at my very obvious decollete. There was much hilarity and teasing. No surprising that I had a thumping hangover and queasy stomach this morning. The Lord rewarded me for missing church in order to take daughter and friends shopping, by confining me in the car for one and a half hours with 4 over excited, raucous teenage girls. Wow, they can talk/shout/sing without hesitation....... interminably.
Suffice to say, I am ready for my bed. This IS going to be the week I start my new figure.......I don't expect you to believe me!

E xx

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

100th blog

This is my 100th time of writing - wow! And so little weight loss!!! It makes me smile at my incredible inadequacy. However, I'm really positive about the potential for success with my new job. I am still part time which is frustrating as I want to get my teeth into the job (rather than the chip fryer contents) - my healthy breakfast/soup lunch/restrained supper is really working well and I am sure I will see results as soon as it is permanent.

I have a stinking cold and, if I were a nice mummy, would be feeling really guilty. You see, eldest daughter, Emily, has had one for about 3 weeks now and the only acknowledgement I have made of this fact, is to ask her not to snivvel and sneeze near me. Two days into this cold, I am a pathetic, woe is me, miserable bag of snivvel. However, on the plus side, it is significantly better than it was yesterday.

Anyway, I have the right shape for being healthy as I have a fat arse and big legs - apparently this protects against heart disease and is a healthy shape to be. It doesn't seem to take into account the joints and how much they struggle to support the excess podge.

Another little nugget of information gleaned this week suggests that we are getting fat due to setting the central heating too high in the cold weather. Now this does make sense. Apparently we get too comfortable and lazy settled on the sofa watching the tv instead of moving round to keep warm and burn off energy. This is certainly true of me in the past few weeks - I love the snow to look at but am none too keen to set off out in it. I will definitely struggle to exercise until the nights draw out as it is dark at both ends of the day.

Tomorrow I am going to have my hair cut - I can stand it no more and have decided to try my adorable niece's skills. I will let you know how I get on tomorrow. A new me. Again.

E xx
PS I hope it doesn't take another 100 posts to lose the next couple of stones!

Sunday, 17 January 2010


There must be so many people who feel like I do. I feel so emotional but so useless. I watch the news and well up, seeing such misery and pain. I am, of course, thinking of Haiti. I have just watched a young woman being gently eased out of the rubble after 5 days - can you imagine 5 days of such fear? Such inability to change your situation? My chest is tight with emotion. I want to do more but don't know what, especially considering my job, dependents etc. One day I hope I can find the physical and emotional strength to be properly useful in such a disaster - I just want to feed and comfort those poor people. What frustrates me most is that I am so ill informed that I didn't know the plight of Haitians, even before this horror.

I am never going to buy the Daily Mail again. In the past 4 days, the Haiti earthquake has never warranted being higher than page 8. Today, fuel bills, Leona Lewis, Prince William and others, have been given a higher billing. It is an awful truth to realise that is where the Mail thinks its readers priorities lie. Even if it does supply a steady stream of dieting materials, I can no longer support such inanities.

The coffee morning in the Village Hall was great. We were busy from start to finish and raised £750 which will go to Christian Aid's Appeal. It was good to see smiling faces, chatting eagerly having been confined to barracks by the weather for the past few weeks. As we expect in this lovely village, everyone rallied with generosity to help raise funds for a good cause.

The snow has gone except around the edges of the fields and on the tops. It is good to be able to walk with confidence and not teeter round looking like my Gran. Now I just need lighter nights and I can stop making excuses for my lack of exercise.

Tomorrow is my middle babe's 13th birthday - the curls are tamed with GHD's but the smile and Minstrel-coloured eyes are the same (if enhanced by occasional flicks of mascara). I want her to have a happy day. I wonder if the Emma Bridgewater Union Jack doorstop in the shape of a cockerel was a good idea..................

E xx

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Haiti - should I be worrying about my weight?

Looking at harrowing pictures of the devastation in Haiti, I feel a little shallow even contemplating my weight. However, just to bring you up to date (a bit briefly as busy - more in a minute) I have been really enjoying my new job and am finding food control easy so far. Yesterday I took a boiled egg, salad and banana.....and had indigestion all afternoon from the raw peppers (which I love but give me stomach ache) - well, at least, I think it was the peppers but it could be the fact that my waistband on my skirt is quite snug and I am sitting down all the time - I have a red wheal around my waist. Either an elastic waist or loss of an inch is called for. I left a chicken in the oven on timer for when I got in which worked well.
Today, I made some parsnip and celeriac soup BEFORE going to work which I had for lunch with an orange. Again, I set the timer for baked potatoes and a beef stew (made healthily) and had a yoghurt for pud. I am optimistic that I can crack it.
I am in a rush as trying to rally as many troups as possible for a COFFEE MORNING on Saturday 16th in ASKRIGG VILLAGE HALL in aid of the CHRISTIAN AID HAITI APPEAL. 10am kick off with raffle, cake stall, jumble, etc - need to raise lots of money for this horrendous tragedy. Obviously I appreciate those of you in India/Spain/France can't come, but if anyone is near enough and feels like a chatty morning, then get yourselves there.
I'm off but will be back at the weekend - fat bottoms are GOOD!!!!!!!!

E xx

Monday, 11 January 2010

Enjoying being good

Good day today both generally and with food. I decided that enough was enough and this kamikaze eating has got to stop.

So, cut up banana & pear with natural low fat yoghurt and seeds for breakfast. A rocket, prawn and lemon wrap (low fat tortilla) for lunch with a tangerine. A rocket (well, it needs using), prawn (likewise), pear (they're ripe) and avocado salad for supper - it was delicious and made a perfect starter. Mmm. Wot, no main course?

So, pleased with myself. Even more pleased as I tormented myself by making Shepherd's Pie with carrots and peas followed by syrup sponge and custard for Bruce and the children. Those lovely crusty bits round the edge of the dish - all left in the dish. Bonus star for lizzie.

Took Lucy out in the snow which I'm sure is the physical equivalent of twice the distance - it's very firming (or would be if I did more of it). I have been to our village singing group - an informal collection of all ages who just enjoy singing. It's surprisingly like a workout after an hour and far preferable to a fitness class.

Please let me stay in the zone.....

E xx

Sunday, 10 January 2010

It is Sunday

I want to give you an extract from a poem that was used as the blessing at the end of the service last week. It was epiphany and the sermon had been about revelation and having faith.

"I said to the man who stood at the gate to the year, "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."
And he replied, "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way."

Hope the new year is a good one for you too.

E xx

Saturday, 9 January 2010

A good week

No weight. Can't face it yet and did say I wouldn't be able to until mid month. Mmm. One week to go then. We are surrounded by diet advice - every paper, magazine and media type is full of it. Metabolic, Fad, Low Carb, Low fat....and the list goes on. They all promise to be easy, keep it off, never hungry, etc. I put "weight loss" into google and got 120MILLION possible connections - "diet advice" gives 52.8 What is the world coming to? We are obsessed and you can see why these diet clubs/websites/foods etc are worth a fortune. We are desperate to get thinner/fitter/healthier yet seem incapable of doing it. As I have banged on about before, no number of diet books and fitness DVD's are going to help unless you are "in the zone" and ready to bite the bullet (rather than another biscuit/chocolate/lump of cheese).

I am not in the zone. I am praying that the situation is resolved when I start work full time in an office environment, where I am expected to look presentable and smart. I am more used to wearing an apron (with three sheep donning swimming caps with the caption, "Dip looks cold today girls!" on the pocket) over a black skirt and long sleeved t-shirt, smelling of chip fat and bacon - is there any hope? I took homemade soup to work on both of my working days and ate sensibly for breakfast and supper. Unfortunately there was a dark chocolate orange left (which his nibs and I polished off at one sitting) and is still the remnants of a bottle of Baileys on the dresser, tempting me to have a little nip every night - thankfully it is nearly gone. Today though, I went to check on an elderly neighbour who must be going stir-crazy by now as he hasn't been out of the house for weeks due to the snow - and he gave me a box of gorgeous looking Lindt chocolates, with the specific instruction that I have to enjoy them without an ounce of guilt or subsequent remorse. Who am I to ignore such instruction?

My problem is that, since the beginning of December, my life has taken a positive turn. I had a fantastic, happy Christmas. I love the snow and the spectacular scenery that lifts and energises at every glance (yes Bruce, I know its really hard for farmers and that you are f***ing sick of it!). I have a new job and am pretty certain I will have found my niche. I have discovered this love of scribbling my inane thoughts down on a blog and find it immensely satisfying. My girls are all healthy and happy. My relationship is great. All in all, I feel incredibly blessed, not a little smug, and an enormous amount of happiness. The upshot of this PMA (positive mental attitude) is that I am no longer pre-occupied with my weight. I no longer feel huge, unattractive and a blight on the face of the earth.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not running around happy with the curves, lumps and bumps. I know that I am no where near as fit as I should be. I am certainly not "giving up" and resigning myself to being this size. The new outfit I bought last week fits but will look so much better in half a stone's time. Last night, a (admittedly young) girl came into the pub (why was I there? more to follow) whom I hadn't seen for some time - she looked fantastic! She has lost a nice bit of weight and was positively glowing - shiny hair, good skin, toned figure and oooooozing the confidence that every twenty-something should. I want to feel like that again. I might have lost almost 2 stone since this time last year but no one notices you go from very big to a little bit less very big. I might feel better but it's not an immediately noticeable improvement.

On Monday, I am starting with a vengeance.......again!!!!!!!!

Anyway, on a lighter note, I titled this post "A good week" and it has been.
1. Girls all good, happy, healthy and sledging for the third week in a row.
2. I started my new job and am very optimistic about it.
3. Most important.....I got to the semi-finals in the domino knock-out in the pub last night! Absolutely incredible. Anyone that knows me is aware that I am not a regular in the pubs (although I have been known to dance on the tables and be more than a little raucous) and couldn't hit a dart board however hard I tried. However, last night as the drinks were downed and the natural urge to win kicked in, I found the tension rising as I carefully considered which domino to put down. At one stage you would think I was playing poker for all the careful pondering to up skittle my opponents whilst knowing full well I only had one possible domino. I even learnt not to put them in a little semi-circle, that you don't play with 7, you don't have to play the double six first and you play much better with a little help from the liquor! By golly, it was fun - helped along by getting through the rounds of course.

Anyway, time to start the supper (baked potato, pork chop - fat removed, spinach) and then have a bath. Relaxing evening ahead. Now, can I justify that good bottle of red we never got round to at Christmas...................

E xx

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

New Year, new job!

I have decided to do myself a favour and not weigh myself for a fortnight. This is because the excesses will not be pretty. Unfortunately, my new years' resolutions have thus far been: Sunday - diet starts tomorrow; Monday - diet really starts tomorrow; Tuesday - right, that's it - the diet, without compromise, STARTS TOMORROW!!! I am about to have a Baileys whilst watching Kill it, Cook it, Eat it (Piper's Farm, Devon - fantastic people!) and then, get organised.

The newspapers are full of NEW diets. Fantastic, easy, magically successful diets, never been done before. We know what to do - it's finding the energy, inclination, will power, control etc, to do it. I watched The Big Fat Diet Show tonight which was quite interesting - I am sure I could diet more easily if someone would open the 100 calorie shop - everything conveniently packed into 100 calorie packs. Perfect! Select 12 bags and you've got your food for the day. If only life was that convenient. The presenter did quote the old adage, "Fail to plan, plan to fail". So true.

Tomorrow I start my new job - working in an estate agents! I am going to be able to nose round lovely houses with legitimacy! I love houses and interiors as well as selling so maybe, at last, I could find my niche. The pinny has come off (almost) and sensible clothes need to go on. I am in a quandry there as I have very few acceptable tidy clothes but am loathe to buy too many in the hope (or, more positively, with the knowledge) that I am going to lose more weight. My budget does not allow for clothes that are only going to last for a month (how optimistic is that!). I went into a local dress shop last week and came out thinking that it is a good job I am a relatively laid back person with a sense of humour. Firstly I selected a top - the girl in the shop who is younger but not much, than me, said, "oh yes, Mum's got that one, it looks nice on". Mmm, not an auspicious start. Then I selected a skirt to which she let me know that she had it in a bigger size. As I walked towards the changing room, the owner asked what size I had got, I said a 16 and she replied that she had got it in an 18 if I needed it. Mmm, do you want me to buy anything? Would you like a sales course in making your customers feel good? I felt like leaping out of the changing room just to show them that it fitted! (but I had my jeans around my knees and walking boots on my feet so it wasn't a good look!). I bought the skirt and a good pair of smart boots, after it had been pointed out that they had buckles at the side which let out to fit larger calves - great! So, the hippo has a tidy outfit for her first day at work. Hopefully the snow will hold off long enough for me to get to the office.

All is well in the Guy household. We had a great festive period and are all in positive mood for the coming year. Going back to full time work, especially not self employed, is going to be a shock to the system but one that I embrace with enthusiasm. Time will tell.


E xx